Creature Collective
Our Therapeutic Animals
Our “Creature Collective” – program is based upon the symbiotic relationship between humans and animals that offers mutually beneficial nurturing, love and care. We rescue animals and provide a forever home for them.
Our Canine Collective Training Program
Our canine training program provides enrichment for the rescued dogs that live with the men here at Clear Skies Ranch. If we find one of them would be more suited with a smaller family and not in our pack, we are able to rehome them and find them a forever home after their training has finished. The dogs bring so much joy, but also teach the residents tolerance and patience, as like all animals, they have their quirks and can be hard work. Some of our dogs in particular have been extremely therapeutic with many men bonding with them. Banana and Ace are two of these.
Animal-Assisted Interventions
Animal-assisted interventions (AAI) are structured, goal-oriented ways of using animals to benefit humans in health, education, and human services. The goal of AAI is to improve health and wellness through therapeutic gains. Animal-assisted Activities (AAA).
AAI can be beneficial for people and populations with special needs. For example, AAT can help improve a patient’s social, emotional, or cognitive functioning. The human-animal bond can create a calm and soothing environment that can reduce stress levels, increase oxytocin, and lower blood pressure and heart rate. This can make it easier for people to deal with difficult topics in therapy. AAI can also help people build self-esteem, confidence, and responsibility, and improve physical mobility.
In AAI, the animal may be a volunteer therapy animal that works with a handler under the direction of a professional, or it may belong to the professional. Some examples of animals that can be used in AAI include dogs, cats, and rabbits